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In the News
Stay in the Know
Below is an update from Torquay Community Men's Shed Inc. President, Trevor Sawyer, about what is happening at the Shed


Replacement of Garden Shed
We have now completed the removal and replacement of the rusted out garden shed that was past it's use by date. The new shed will now...

Christmas Lunch 2024
Our Christmas Lunch enjoyed by all in attendance. On Wednesday the 18th December 2025 our end of year and Christmas lunch was held at the...

Helping hand to the Birdlife of Australia
Members of the shed are currently working on the construction of 90 Finch Breeding boxes under order from the Aquatic, Aviary and...

Men's Shed to the Rescue
Our boys have recently completed the construction and installation of timber racks at the Torquay Surf Lifesaving Club to enable them to...

The Show must go on.
The boys in the woodwork area under the guidance of our new Coordinator Andrew Slejko have just completed the construction of a Puppet...

Another Project in motion for Deakin University
We have continued our working relationship with Mr. Bruce Newell, Senior Technical Officer, Aquatic Aviary and Wildlife, Deakin...

New Products for the Outdoor area of your home.
We have recently started making a range of planter boxes for sale in our shop made from recycled pallets. They range in price from $45.00...

Our part in the Bells Beach Surfing Pro
In conjunction with the Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation we sanded down local timber pieces to smooth sticks and...

Shed to the rescue of Surf Club
The Torquay Surf Lifesaving Club had a problem with the condition of their rescue reels used by the Nippers for competition and had an...

Acrylic Easels for Lisieux Catholic Primary School
With Andrew Slejko coordinating works our members have completed the build of two easels for the Preps at Lisieux Primary School in...

Taylor Park 100 years old
On Saturday 24th February the Friends of Taylor Park arranged a Family Picnic Day in the park to celebrate the 100 years that the park...

Visit from our Federal MP
On Tuesday 20th February, 2024 the Federal Member for Corangamite, Libby Coker paid us a visit and spoke to our members on a number of...

Another Community Project Completed
Shed members have recently completed the installation of a further section of watering system to the gardens at Danawa Community Garden...
Happy New Year
We kick off the new year on Tuesday 9th January, 2024 so we hope to see as many there as can make it. The committee trusts that you all...

Christmas Lunch 2023
On the 20th December 2023 members and their partners along with special guestAs attended the Torquay Hotel to enjoy a delicious two...

Possums and Students benefit
In conjunction with Torquay College, Year 6 teacher Mrs Emma Dukker we have constructed 50 possum boxes (both Ringtail and Bushy Tail) in...

Surf Coast Shire Grant received
We recently obtained a grant of $3,000.00 from the Surf Coast Shire Quick Response Grants to purchase new fold back speakers for the...

Salty Dog Sand Toys Box
Our guys have just finished the making of a box for storage of donated sand toys to be positioned outside the Salty Dog Cafe at...
Annual General Meeting
Our AGM was held on the 20th September, 2023 at 10.35am with 27 members in attendance and 4 apologies. President Trevor Sawyer welcomed...

Helping our budding artists
We have recently added a new item to our products list in the form of a mobile double sided acrylic easel for younger persons. This was...
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